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Page 2D Bristol Herald CourierVirginia Tennessean Sunday November 23 1997 School meal menus The following are meal menus for Bristol Tennessee Sullivan County Russell County Washington County Va Bristol Virginia and Tazewell County for the week of Nov 24 28: Bristol Tennessee Breakfast Menu Monday Poptart juice milk Tuesday Biscuit jelty juice milk Wednesday Thanksgiving holiday Schools acsed Tbursosy rWcav Schools closed ndav Schools dosed I uwch Menu Schools Monday tjiSK tossed sated appu Wilk Tuescay TtaviSo'i ThanhspViiv meal Turkey with cNoce of acccr parirerts Wecneseay TOa ajovix Scheels cicsect Thursday HCiicay Softools cfcsed ncay Helieay Schools dosed Lunch Menu Middle High Schools Monday Steak nuggets sweet po tatoes slaw rolls milk Tuesday Turkey'dressing mashed potatoes green beans fruit salad rolls milk Wednesday Thanksgiving holiday Schools closed Thursday Holiday Schools closed riday Holiday Schools closed A deli lunch (sandwiches) a fast food lunch (pizza hot sandwiches and fries) and a chef salad are available daily as an option to the plate lunch All plate lunch menus are accompanied by a choice of fruit or vegetable small salad fresh fruit bowl bread and beverage Sullivan County Breakfast Menu Monday Orange juice french toast sticks choice of cereal milk Tuesday Grape juice pork tender biscuit choice of cereal milk Wednesday Orange juice scram bled eggs toast or raisin cereal milk Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday High school breakfast is a la carte Lunch Menu Elementary Schools Monday Chicken filet on bun let tuce tomato pickle tater tots sherbet milk Tuesday Corn dog fresh veggies with dip sliced peaches rice krispie bar milk Wednesday Ham and cheese sub sandwich lettuce tomato pickle tortilla chips apple milk Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday Lunch Menu Middle High Schools Monday Chicken nuggets barbe cue rib bar baked potato glazed car rots broccoli with cheese baked pears tossed salad congealed salad cole s'awpasta salad hot rolls Tuesday Steak and gravy taco salad bar seasoned corn whipped po tatoes green peas fresh fruit tossed salad congealed salad cole slawpasta salad hot rolls Wednesday Baked hammacaroni aid cheese spaghetti bar breaded squash green beans sweet potato cas serole chilled peaches tossed salad congealed salad cole slawpasta salad garlic toasthot rolls Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday Russell County Breakfast Menu Monday Cereal toast with jelly juice or fresh fruit in season Tuesday choice Wednesday Thanksgiving holiday Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday CHILDREN a century of commitment CELEBRATING PT A Parenting Tip Research shows that childrenwho spend more than 10 hours a week watching TV are not as successful at reading as those whose IV viewing is limited Keep track of TV time chal lenge your child to read as much as she watches TV and help your child find books or magazines on topics they are interested in This information provided by Bristol TN VA PTA Councils Washington County Va Lunch Menu Elementary Schools Monday ish square mashed po tatoes mixed greens hot roll canned peaches choice of milk Tuesday Student's choice choice of milk Wednesday Spaghetti with meat sauce tossed salad with lowfat dressing french bread fresh fruit choice of milk Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday Lunch Menu Monday choice Tuesday Turkey with dressing gravy mashed potatoes or sweet po tatoes green beans or broccoli hot rolls sherbet Wednesday Thanksgiving holiday Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday All meals served with milk Lunch Menu Middle Schools Monday Chicken chunks with sauce scalloped potatoes cole slaw french bread (2) 2 percent milk Tuesday Thanksgiving dinner 2 percent milk Wednesday Pizza seasoned green beans chilled peaches choc lean a cake 2 percent Thursday Thanksgiving holiday irths NORTON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Ms Lisa Oakes and Robert Joe Russell of Dunbar girl Micheala Dawn Russell bom Nov 5 1997 Mr and Mrs Jason Hall of Norton girl Brittany Nichole born Nov 6 1997 Mr and Mrs Darren Lawson of Nor ton girl Haley Elise born Nov 6 1997 Mr and Mrs David Roberts of Nor ton boy Dillon Wayne born Nov 10 1997 Mr and Mrs Alex Barnett of Pound girl Destiney Shae bom Nov 11 1997 Ms Rosalynd Moore of Norton boy Charles Dylan Baker bom Nov 11 1997 Mr and Mrs Carey Trotter of Coeburn boy Thomas Charles bom Nov 11 1997 Mr and Mrs Thomas Cook of Clint wood twin boys Tyler Ray and An thony Donald born Nov 13 1997 Mr and Mrs Lowell urman owler of Big Stone Gap girl Avelhna Bry son born Nov 13 1997 Ms Emma Lou Musick and Earl Coleman of Haysi boy Johnny Lee Musick born Nov 14 1997 Ms Georgia Lee Yates of Coeburn girl Candra LeeAnn Yates bom Nov 14 1997 Mr and Mrs Donald Teague of Coe burn boy Joseph Christian bom Nov 15 1997 Mr and Mrs Kyle Blaine Church Jr of St Paul girl Courtney Danielle born Nov 16 1997 JOHNSTON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Mr and Mrs Tom Smith of Saltville ooy Benjamin Matthew bom Oct 8 1997 Ms Kimberly erguson and Gary Stanley of Glade Spring boy Todd Al exander Stanley bom Oct 9 1997 Mr and Mrs rank Stanley of Chilhowie boy Austin Craig bom Oct 10 1997 Ms Melanie Hildreth and Kevin Keen of Lebanon girl Abigail Marie Keen bom Oct 11 1997 Mr and Mrs Bob Luke of Abingdon girl Adriana Sarah born Oct 11 1997 Ms Susan Garrett of Abingdon girl Kylie Elizabeth born Oct 11 1997 Ms Susan erguson of Bristol Ten nessee girl Lexie Nicole bom Oct 12 1997 Ms Lisa McGraw and Robert De Barge of Glade Spring girl Hannah Nicole DeBarge born Oct 13 1997 Mr and Mrs David Montgomery of ANSWER TO PUZZLE 112397 qs 00000 000 Qss nnnnonG 0000000 hobhb onnoonc 000000000 00000000000 non 00000 0000 noc000 00000 0000 sb 0000000 00000 aoo ooooo nrann oooo cjoeie oobb oobooe 0000000 0000 000 00000 00B0000B 0B0H0 0O0 B0OOO0DD0 00000000000 000000000 nnnmnng onoom bobboob 0000000 nggon 000000 san 000 00000 00000 Bristol Virginia boy Preston Hunter born Oct 15 1997 Mr and Mrs Justin Jeske of Bristol Virginia boy Terra Blue born Oct 15 1997 Ms Lucy Pike of Lebanon boy Nathan Andrew bom Oct 15 1997 Mr and Mrs Kelly Plaster of Raven girl Alyssa Hope bom Oct 16 1997 Mr and Mrs Gerald Compton of Doran girl Montanna Jade bom Oct 18 1997 Mr and Mrs Douglas Hess of Abing don boy Kayleb Haden bom Oct 19 1997 Ms Misty Miller and Kenneth John son of Abingdon boy Austin Glen Johnson bom Oct 21 1997 Mr and Ms Scott Looney of Rosedale boy Matthew David bom Oct 22 Mr and Mrs Roy Rife of Pilgrim Knob boy Chace Tanner bom Oct 22 1997 Mr and Mrs Kenneth Reppe of Cleveland boy Johnny Ray born Oct 24 1997 Ms Michelle Bickmore of Mountain City boy Jedodiah Benjamin born Oct 23 1997 Mr and Mrs James Leonard of Abingdon girl aith Danielle bom Oct 25 1997 Mr and Mrs Jack McCarty of Mari on boy Grayson Pate bom Oct 26 1997 Enjoy Atlthe Christmas Splendor at the fountain Heritage InrUU Our 72 beautifully decorated rooms offer something for everyone's budget Accommodations range from Standard rooms to Luxury Suites with fireplaces and hot tubs or larger groups we offer individual cabins which will accommo date 8 people Relax in our large heated outdoor pool and hot tub as you enjoy the panoramic view of the Great Smoky Mountains We are open year round for your con venience Heritage Inn or Reservations Call: 1 800 343 7953 All Other Calls: 423 436 3474 575 River Road Gatlinburg TN 37738 Owned operated by WTS Inc Carlson Wagonlit Carlson Wagonlit Rales an per person based on tfoufiie occupancy Paces are subiect to change and to avaMMrty Hokdayseasonai sivptoments and some reslnclions may Puces do not delude edeial taxes of lo33 ot of $3 111 CST1 007939 20 How about Hawaii? Wrap up a Pleasant Holidays trip to the Islands for 1998! Got any ideas for Holiday Gifts? 6 Daw Miui 793 rental car included Pn UKlude roundthp tliqhtt Item Knot vllt 6 Days Waikiki $658 transfers included Carlson Wagonlit Pteasnni Hamallai Holidays Johnson City TN 1115 Roan 461 4880 800 532 4880 Bristol TN (ormerly Travel) 1738 Edgemont Ave 989 4880 800 531 4880 Open Sat 1 0 2 wwwcarlsontravelconi I i 'c riday Thanksgiving holiday Lunch Menu High Schools Monday Pizza whole kernel corn tossed salad with lowfat dressing choice of fruit 2 percent milk Tuesday Thanksgiving dinner 2 percent milk Wednesday Manager's choice 2 percent milk Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday Bristol Virginia Breakfast Menu In the operation of the child feeding program no child will be discriminated against because of race sex color na tional origin age or handicap If you believe you have been discriminated against write immediately to the Secre tary of Agriculture Washington DC 20250 Meals may be pre paid Monday Cinnamon toast pears or ange juice milk variety Tuesday Scrambled eggs toast or ange juice milk variety Wednesday Sausage biscuit or ange juice milk variety Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday Lunch Menu Elementary Schools Monday Ham biscuits baked beans new potatoes chocolate chip cookies milk variety Tuesday Turkey and dressing cranberry sauce green beans pineapple chunks rolls milk variety Wednesday Hamburger on a bun lettuce tomato potato puffs apple sauce milk variety Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday CASTLE GATLINBURGPIGEON ORGE JACUZZI for 2 Mirrored platform bed TV VCR Outstanding views Starting specials $1 89 for 2 nights Ask about our 4 night and 7 night specials 1 800 997 6720 SMOKY MOUNTAIN CHRISTMAS VALUE PACKAGE $99 package includes: 2 tickets to the Lee Greenwood Theater 2 free continen tal breakfasts and a 1 night stay at the new Wingate Inn ree coffee dessert with dinner purchase at on the River Restaurant Compare at $126 cost Expires December 30 1997 Holidays Special EventsTaxes Gratuities excluded Call 1 800 243 0560 Lunch Menu Middle Schools Monday Roasted chicken rolls new potatoes peas pineapple chunks milk variety Tuesday Turkey and dressing cranberry sauce green beans pineapple chunks old fashioned rolls milk vari ety Wednesday Hamburger on a bun lettuce and tomato french fries apple sauce peanut butter cookies milk vari ety Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday Lunch Menu High Schools Monday Hamburger on a bun let tuce and tomato potato wedge mixed fruit cowboy cookies milk variety Toasted cheese sandwich lettuce to mato pears french fries milk variety Tuesday Turkey and dressing mashed potatoes green beans rolls peach cobbler milk variety Turkey cheese bun lettuce tomato french fries fresh assorted fruit milk variety Wednesday Early dismissal Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday Tazewell County Breakfast Menu Monday Waffles with syrup fruit or juice milk choice Tuesday Biscuits and gravy chilled juice milk choice Wednesday Thanksgiving holiday Thursday holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday Lunch Menu Elementary Schools Monday Manager planned school favorites Tuesday Pizza tossed salad whole kernel corn chilled fruit oatmeal cook ies milk choice Wednesday Thanksgiving holiday Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday Lunch Menu Middle High Schools Monday Manager planned school favorites Tuesday Pizza or chicken fajitas tossed salad potato wedges baked po tato green beans fruit or juice milk choice Wednesday Thanksgiving holiday Thursday Thanksgiving holiday riday Thanksgiving holiday 550000 Cash Giveaway! Ask about our New Year's Eve Specials Otter rCASINOHOTtLWNKA Call fotf ree: 1 888 wwwfrtzgeraidscom ec 20 Register Today! Musi be 21 or older Need not be present to win See Promotions Sooth for details Over 500 beautiful rooms and suites Indoor pool and exercise facility Three restaurants Spectacular river I setting More than 1200 slots and table games Special room rate valid Sunday thru Thursday Subiect to availability Excluding suites and holidays Advance reservations required Rate subject to change without notice 20 Minutes South of Memphis BEST CASINO HOTEL DEAL IN TUNICA' ROON'S ROM Spectacular Views Spectacular Value Gatlinburg Tennessee RATES ROM Single or Double limited availability Not valid with otlier discounts Enjoy a spectacular view of the Great Smoky mountains from the privacy of your own balcony A great holiday getaway for the whole family Restaurant and lounge family fun centers and indoor pools Kid's eat free Discount to many local attractions NYE packages now available Call for reservations 1 800 421 PARK Park Vista resort hotel 705 Cherokee Orchard Road Gatlinburg TN 37738 wwwparkvistacom Ancient TREASURE indent ADVENTURE Museum of Art and stay KNOXVILLE MUSEUM ART I or hil)iii )i i Ik kefs oiilw all KMA at (423) 525 6101 ext 250 $83 rate based on two adults and two children (ages 12 17) Special packages and rates available only through Everett Tours: advanced reservations required Rooms subject to availability Blackout dates including UT football weekends possible at some hotelsmotels Other restrictions may apply Pcir kiige prices start ai ss3 for a tamilv of lour Children slay tree ai some holds and molds and rates are even lower for one two or three reole Treasure hunt the day away at the Knoxville I fcrwJ 1 me nigni ar an area fan iikr nf Lni ltd Treasure Adventure" this tall and vour family will recent one nights accommodations al one of manv area hotclsmoiels breakfast: plus tickets io the Knoxville Museum ol Ans exone feature exhibition The Sjfini oj Ancient Trcrisuies from rhe Museo Arineologim Rujuel i nivirzi nrwvn until wlllliUxurn STAY HERE ALL AROUND US! it lionet Jett ii rot or reservations or a free mlorniaiion guide with all details and rates call Everett Tours lhe ollicial '1'1 agent for Knoxville's "Ancient Treasure Know IM toll free ai I 888400 8955 viruwlnv thrntidh I 9 am and 5 pm I i AS 1OW Ww Tazewell County Bristol Tennessee Bristol Virginia Washington County Va BEST CASINO HOTEL DEAL IN TUNICA! S50000 Cash Giveaway! Russell County Sullivan County Carlson Wagonlit 6 Dao Miui s793 rental car included Pn thclude reundtnp hiqhti lrni Kncvlll hotwll wmrtarLthDAi It eth lowh I qvrwttnq OreahtHSi enenLibon tolti naU Uiet 1 tow 6 Days Waikiki $658 transfers included Pnci inclwlo 'ouwdptp flights Irani Kno illr hotel tccemmodtiona huh llowfr la' itreelinq onanlation hli rnUl Uim 4 a Carlson Wagonlit.
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